Many in our community may have questions and concerns about the COVID-19 virus. 自2019冠状病毒病开始以来, SampsonRMC has closely monitored risks with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control & (CDC), 北卡罗来纳州公共卫生司(NCDPH), 还有我们当地的卫生部门. 当我们应对社区疫情时, we are taking every action to keep our patients and 卫生保健工作者 safe.
有效的周一, 2月20日, 2023, SampsonRMC访客指南已更新如下:
- 探视时间是早上8点.m. – 8:00 p.m.
- 游客必须年满18岁.
- 在走廊和公共区域,访客必须戴口罩.
- 出现感冒症状的游客, 比如发烧, 流鼻涕, 咳嗽, 或者呼吸短促, 应该在症状消失前至少24小时内不要就诊吗.
- 感染新冠病毒的游客, 即使没有症状, are not permitted to visit until 10 days have passed since the onset of symptoms or a positive test result.
- 游客 who have been in close contact with someone who is COVID-positive are not permitted to visit until 10 days have passed since the initial exposure.
劳动 & 交付
病人 may have two support persons for the duration of their stay, 从分娩时开始, 通过产后护理和出院. Post-partum patients may have up to two (2) visitors at any time during routine visiting hours and one (1) support person may stay overnight. Overnight visitors will not have entrance (or re-entrance) after 8:00 pm. Post-partum visitors are permitted to exchange in and out during routine visiting hours.
病人 may have two visitors for the duration of the patient's Emergency Room stay. 可能没有互访. If the patient is transferred to the OR, visitors will follow guidelines for 外科服务. If the patient is admitted, visitors will follow Medical/Surgical and ICU guidelines.
两名辅助人员可陪同患者进行手术. This visitor should remain in the 外科服务 waiting area until the patient is discharged. 可能没有互访. If the patient is admitted after procedure, visitors will follow Medical/Surgical and ICU guidelines.
在探视时间,病人最多可以有两名探视者. 访客可根据需要在探访时间轮流进出. 患者可能会有一(1)名访客过夜. Overnight visitors may not exchange and will not enter or gain re-entrance after 8:00 pm.
OB组- One (1) care partner may accompany the mother for the duration of labor and delivery and then for one (1) hour post-partum directly following delivery. 护理伙伴必须充分接种疫苗, 签署弃权书, 穿医院发的长袍, 手套, 在访问期间戴口罩.
临终关怀—— Immediate family members may each visit once for the duration of 15 minutes. 访客必须完全接种疫苗, 签署弃权书, 穿医院发的长袍, 参观时戴上手套和口罩.